Come arrivare

How to get Forlimpopoli

* 1 For those who will come by car
o 1.1 From Germany or Austria
o 1.2 From France
* 2 For those who will come by plane
* 3 Fo those who will come by train
* 4 Where is?

1) For those who will come by car

1.1) From Germany or Austria

Run on A22 to A1 (highways)

At Bologna, leave A1 and take A14 (direction ANCONA)

Take Forlì exit and follow indications to Forlimpopoli (about 12 Km from the exit)

1.2) From France

Once on A1 (highway) run to Bologna

At Bologna, leave A1 and take A14 (direction ANCONA)

Take Forlì exit and follow indications to Forlimpopoli (about 12 Km from the exit)

2) For those who will come by plane

Once at the Bologna “Guglielmo Marconi Airport”, beside the exit of the arrival floor you will find the stop of AEROBUS “BLQ” that links directly the Airport with the Railway Station

The AEROBUS “BLQ” leaves the airport each 15/20 mn and the run takes about 30 mn

It costs 6 euro/person

Here you have the link at the timetable pages:

3) Once at the Bologna Centrale Station you can buy tickets at the ticket office (always crowded) or at the automatic ticket machines (instruction also in english)

Very important: remember to stamp (obliterare) the ticket with the special machine before you get to the track.

At the following link you will find th timetable of Bologna Station:
Please, look for tickets from “Bologna Centrale” to “Forlimpopoli-Bertinoro” or to “Forli”

You can stop at Forlimpopoli or Forli

4) Where is?

Hotel Edo Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 10 – 47034 Forlimpopoli FC

Bar Italia Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi, 25 – 47034 Forlimpopoli FC
Our usual Meeting point

Casa Artusi Via Andrea Costa, 27 – 47034 Forlimpopoli FC
Our usual restaurant for the lunch.

Sala Aramini – Via Ghinozzi, 3 – 47034 Forlimpopoli FC
Our Usual Workshop Room (ring the door bell “SMP”)

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